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Meet The Founder

Dr Francois Louw (MD) (MB.Ch B., DA (SA), Dip.Obst (SA) graduated as a conventional medical doctor atStellenbosch University Medical School, Cape Town, South Africa. He gained further post graduate qualifications in Anesthesia and Obstetrical care and has practiced as a private family doctor since 1990.

After having lost his beloved wife to cancer at the age of 55 years, Dr Francois Louw, a family man and founder of DNA-Shift, realized that the same genes run in his four children. This was a wake-up call. Dr Francois Louw started looking into more options in complimentary medicine besides the conventional treatment options and discovered a new science next to his field of expertise.

In his practice, Dr Louw began experiencing some surprising results when prescribing life style changes and supplementation to his patients.

We are able to postpone and even prevent many ailments that our parents and grandparents suffered from, such as diabetes, hypertension, rheumatism, cognitive decline (Alzheimer’s), atherosclerosis (myocardial infarcts, strokes), cancer etc. Even if we have inherited bad genes, we can influence our gene expression for the good with a healthy lifestyle.’

The average age for men and women who have access to first world medicine is respectively 80 and 84 years. It seems as if we cannot extend those years, but we can do a lot to shorten them and cause them to be riddled with various unnecessary ailments.

Dr Louw and his team are inspired to encourage others to a healthier lifestyle, preventative/anti-aging medicine and to supply quality supplements that they like taking themselves.


‘Your body will remember how you treated it in its youth.’

"It’s about life…it’s about family…it’s about health as our DNA intended…it’s about inspiring one another...” Dr Francois Louw (MD)