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11 Strain Live Probiotic for Men & Women - Best to Support Digestive, Brain & Immune Health. with Lactobacillus Gasseri - Guaranteed Potency to Expiration
A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut. They help shape your immune system, fighting invaders to help you feel better. Being healthy isn’t only about diet, physical activity and adequate sleep. High stress levels also has harmful effects on the body. In the gut, stress can increase sensitivity, reduce blood flow and alter the gut bacteria. *
Special Deal For Limited Time
Improve your dad's health with our DNA- SHIFT Bundle Sale.
everal probiotic strains may enhance immune function, which may lead to a reduced risk of infections, including those that cause the common cold.
Probiotics may help to reduce inflammatory responses in people with milk or dairy allergies.
Probiotics may be useful for acne, eczema and other skin conditions. *
Probiotics help to repopulate the good bacteria that was destroyed by antibiotics and re-boot your system. *
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