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The Vital Connection Between Your Gut and Your Health

 The Case for Healthy Bowels: The Vital Connection Between Your Gut and Your Health - April 18, 2009

How healthy are your bowels? 


Does that sound silly? It shouldn't. In fact, improving and maintaining the condition of your bowels is serious business. 


Chances are you have digestive issues. And you're not alone. According to recent studies conducted by the Dannon Company in 2007, nearly 90 percent of Americans deal with occasional problems with digestion.1 Seventy percent of women say digestive concerns negatively impact their lives every single day


Digestive concerns aren't a fun topic of conversation. In fact, many people have trouble talking to their own doctor about their concerns. Others suffer in silent embarrassment, worry and discomfort over the rumbling and gurgling -- the cramps, bloating and gas. The constipation. Or diarrhea.


The fact is that if your digestive tract isn't operating efficiently, you have more to worry about than just your colon. When you carry around too few friendly bacteria and an overabundance of the bad stuff, your body doesn't make use of all the nutrients you're feeding it. 


Your healthy diet won't matter, nor will the nutritional supplements you take. If your digestive system isn't operating efficiently, you aren't getting the full benefit of your good nutritional habits. Not only is your health at risk, but you're throwing money away on high-quality food and nutritional supplements that your body can't make use of. 


The good news?


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About Dr Joseph Mercola

You are wise to question who you can trust when it comes to maintaining, enhancing, or rebuilding your health.


With all websites, newspapers, magazines, and other publications offering health advice, with every new multi-million dollar TV ad for another proclaimed miracle drug, with any recommendation offered by traditional and natural physicians, it is essential to answer this question above all others: what is their real motivation?


Only if the answer provides you with a sense of security, move on to the next important question: what are their qualifications? The primary trick of the existing medical establishment is to get you to forget that first question – their real motivation – by dazzling you with what appears to be magnificently trustworthy qualifications.


But clinical trials conducted by heavily biased "researchers," advertisements, and news stories carefully scripted to scare you into belief, highly polished corporate offices and corporate websites, and an extreme focus on whatever has the most profit potential – not lifesaving or life-enhancing potential – are not qualifications. They are scams.


Don't fall for them.


My motivation, whether you are a member of the Mercola.com community or have just heard about me for the first time, is to make you as healthy as you can possibly be. This involves:


  1. Providing the most up-to-date natural health information and resources that will most benefit you and,
  2. Exposing corporate, government, and mass media hype that diverts you away from what is truly best for your health and often to a path that leads straight into an early grave.


Mercola.com is not, in other words, a tool to get me a bigger house and car, or to run for Senate. I fund this site, and therefore, am not handcuffed to any advertisers, silent partners, or corporate parents.


When I offer or recommend products, I do so because I have actively researched them and find they are the best in that category for your health. I ignore substandard products, and products not directly pertinent to your health, regardless of any potential financial upside.


A portion of the profits generated from the sale of the products I recommend goes to a variety of non-profit organizations. These organizations are geared towards protecting your health freedom and providing you with valuable information to help you Take Control of Your Health! These organizations include:

 National Vaccine Information Center

 Food Democracy Now

 Consumers for Dental Choice

 Fluoride Action Network

 Institute for Responsible Technology

 Organic Consumers Association

 Rabies Challenge Fund

 American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation

 Cornucopia Institute

 Vitamin D Council

 Grassroots Health

 Alliance for Natural Health


All of these organizations are working towards preserving your health rights and to keep you informed. Please visit Mercola.org for more details!


And so, my qualifications: first and foremost, I am an osteopathic physician, also known as a DO. DOs are licensed physicians who, similar to MDs, can prescribe medication and perform surgery in all 50 states. DOs and MDs have similar training requiring four years of study in the basic and clinical sciences, and the successful completion of licensing exams. But DOs bring something extra to the practice of medicine. Osteopathic physicians practice a "whole person" approach, treating the entire person rather than just symptoms. Focusing on preventive health care, DOs help patients develop attitudes and lifestyles that don't just fight illness, but help prevent it, too.


I am also board-certified in family medicine and served as the chairman of the family medicine department at St. Alexius Medical Center for five years. I am trained in both traditional and natural medicine.


In addition, I was granted fellowship status by the American College of Nutrition (ACN) in October 2012. In order to obtain fellowship status with the ACN one must meet a minimum of four requirements. Those requirements include: (1) co-author five or more publications relevant to nutrition in referred medical or scientific journals, (2) demonstrate significant experience in patient care, (3) hold a doctoral degree from an institution that is accredited by the Regional Accrediting Organizations, and (4) maintain status with the ACN.


For my insight on a variety of healthcare issues, I have been interviewed on national and local news, including:

  • Today Show
  • CNN
  • ABC's World News Tonight
  • The Dr. Oz Show
  • The Doctors
  • CBS, NBC and ABC local news shows
  • Time Magazine
  • Forbes Magazine
  • Dozens of Nationally Broadcast Radio Shows


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